If you claim a Build-A-Bear coupon and lose it, you cannot get a replacement coupon. You can only redeem one Build-A-Bear coupon code per purchase. If a Build-A-Bear promo code catches your eye today, make sure you take advantage of it. If you intend to redeem a Build-A-Bear coupon, remember that you cannot use it with another promotion. You will find the Build-A-Bear coupon code on the sign up page together with the terms and conditions that apply. Receive a Build-A-Bear coupon code immediately when you sign up to join the bonus club. When you the Build-A-Bear bonus club, you receive one dollar ($1) in points for every ten dollars ($10) you spend. Be sure to check if a Build-A-Bear promo code is available for you to get a discount on your purchase especially if you want to add a personalized voice message, or a birthday song insert in your stuffed toy.